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Once you’ve grown comfortable with the Two Way Prayer practice, a desire to share this experience with others becomes a very natural next step. Here are some ways you might find added support for your practice while bringing the blessings and benefits of Two Way Prayer to others.

Prayer Partners
Starting a Group
Organise a Retreat
Email us
Prayer Partners

Find a Prayer Partner

Two Way Prayer is intensely personal and it may take some time before you’re ready to share your writings. Don’t rush and don’t worry! To paraphrase the Big Book, “it may be better to meet God alone than with someone who might not understand;” but when you’re ready and when it’s time, the right person will appear. The spiritual world is like that!

To begin this next phase of the journey, download our Suggested Guide for Prayer Partners. Hopefully, it will answer many of the questions you may have and afford you an opportunity to benefit from the experience of those of us that have been sharing with prayer partners for some time.

Starting a Group

Start a Group

After you’ve had time and gained experience sharing with a prayer partner, starting a Two Way Prayer group in your community may be something you will be guided to do next.  We have found it best to do this as an independent group outside of and unaffiliated with any formal 12-Step Fellowship. Meeting weekly in a person’s home is often easiest. This was how the Pioneers first began in Akron, Ohio. Here is a Suggested Guide for a Two Way Prayer Group that can help get you started.                

Should you choose to start a group within an established 12-Step Fellowship, be mindful that each has its own traditions and meeting guidelines that should be carefully studied and faithfully followed.

After you’ve had time and gained experience sharing with a prayer partner, starting a Two Way Prayer group in your community may be something you will be guided to do next.  We have found it best to do this as an independent group outside of and unaffiliated with any formal 12-Step Fellowship. Meeting weekly in a person’s home is often easiest. This was how the Pioneers first began in Akron, Ohio. Here is a Suggested Guide for a Two Way Prayer Group that can help get you started.                

Should you choose to start a group within an established 12-Step Fellowship, be mindful that each has its own traditions and meeting guidelines that should be carefully studied and faithfully followed.

Contact us at to explore this option and to receive a suggested meeting guide that may be acceptable for your Fellowship.            

Organise a Retreat

Organize a Workshop or Retreat

Two Way Prayer workshops and weekend retreats are still another way to share this practice with others. Many 12-Step Fellowships host area wide workshops and some long-established groups meet for annual weekend retreats.  If you are interested in organizing and hosting a Two Way Prayer event of this kind, please see a Sample Two Way Prayer Flyer and contact us for available scheduling.

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Tap in to our experience of the Two Way Prayer,

We are alway happy to help those in need.

Two Way Prayer is making conscious contact with the Creator a life-changing reality for growing numbers in 12-Step Fellowships throughout the world. It will make a difference.

— Frank Buchman, Oxford Group Founder